Hot off the press ! Foreign trained dentists looking for advanced placement positions in US dental schools will soon have a new and improved way to apply for such positions. ADEA, the American Dental Education Association, will implement a centralized application system for international dentists. The first application cycle will start on June 8, 2009. It seems that this new system has been developed at the request of several dental schools that currently have international programs or advanced standing programs to streamline the process of admissions to these programs.
The application system is similar in a lot of ways to PASS or AADSAS where the applicant is required to submit one application and one set of supporting documents or credentials to ADEA and ADEA in turn distributes these to the programs the applicant in interested in.
More information will be available as we get closer to the June 8 date, ADEA staff will be demonstrating the CAAPID application during the ADEA Annual Session this month in Phoenix. Later on this month, ADEA expects to have a CAAPID information website with more details about participating programs and their admission requirements.
This is truly an exciting development to international dentists who are just starting their US dental license quest, it will make the whole application process a lot easier and more efficient. Stay tuned for more information.
The application system is similar in a lot of ways to PASS or AADSAS where the applicant is required to submit one application and one set of supporting documents or credentials to ADEA and ADEA in turn distributes these to the programs the applicant in interested in.
More information will be available as we get closer to the June 8 date, ADEA staff will be demonstrating the CAAPID application during the ADEA Annual Session this month in Phoenix. Later on this month, ADEA expects to have a CAAPID information website with more details about participating programs and their admission requirements.
This is truly an exciting development to international dentists who are just starting their US dental license quest, it will make the whole application process a lot easier and more efficient. Stay tuned for more information.
karim, from the language posted in Virginia dental board, it seems that any general dentistry program is ok (AEGD or GPR) as well as specialty training programs, but as always, you should contact the board directly to ask them about the specific programs you are considering.
hello, I am studying dentistry in university of Jordan,my graduation will be in June, and i am preparing for nbde part 1 in November. i hope to know if my DDS grade play a role in acceptance for the programs and if i have a chance to apply after November? when is the deadline for application?what are my chances to be accepted?
Dear Kilani!
Thank you for this blog. i highly appreciate your work.
I would like to know, what employment opportunities are available if I don't have an US dental license? Is the new NBDE, so the new procedure to get the licensure is more difficult (2010)? What's better, a pre-doctoral or a post-doctoral to get the license?
Thank you... Good luck...
Hi Diana,
It's nice to hear from a student in my old school! Could you please elaborate more on the program you are referring to? There are many programs and mane have different deadlines and requirements.
Hello drdentist,
If you don't have a US dental license, employment opportunities become rather limited, you can work as a dental assistant, you can try to apply for a position teaching dental assisting, I did that for two years, you could pursue a license in hygiene.
I'm not sure I understood the second part of your question though, I don't think the licensure requirements are becoming more difficult.
Dear Kilani!
I would like to know if the Green Card is necessary to apply to dental schools? For the new NBDE (2010), is "Kaplan Dental Decks 2006-07"
sufficient to prepare? What other NBDE resources you advice?
What about the clinical exam?
Thanks in advance... Good luck...
A green card is not necessary for all schools and programs, but some do require that, so you need to check with each specific schools you intend to apply to.
Both dental decks and Kaplan resources are good to prepare for NBDE, go a head and check the blog page on NBDE to read more about other resources that I recommend.
Dear Kilani!
Thanx a lot for all you help...
My last question is about the clinical exam. What about it? How to prepar? Is it difficult?
Thanks in advance... Good luck...
Hi Dr.Kilani, i am a US citizen and i have done my bds from pakistan.i have done my NDB part 1 & 2. can u please tell me where u taught dental assisting program , i am interested in doing that before i can apply for dds. thanks so much.
drdentist, there are several clinical exams, which one are you referring to?
Hello Maimoona,
I taught at the Medical Careers Institute in Newport News, VA.
There are several dental assisting schools everywhere, you may be able to find similar positions. Best of luck.
Dear Kilani!
The clinical exam, after getting both NBDE 1, NBDE 2 to get the license.
Thanks in advance...
drdentist, as I said, there are several clinical exams, preparation will depend on criteria and requirements for each exam, which exam will you be taking? WREB, NERB, etc? Anyways, clinical preparation is obviously a must, if you are currently in school, I'm sure the school faculty will do their best to help you get better at your clinical skills in general and also at the important clinical tasks required in the exam.
Let me know, which clinical exam will you be taking, what state do you want to practice in?
Thanks for share all of this information. I'm a dentist from Peru and I want to get the license for NY. If I take a Postdoctoral Clinical Program (Periodontics 3 years program) then could I be eligible for the NY license?.
Dear Dr. Kilani
I am a dentist from Mumbai and I have a threee year work experience with me, I want to apply for th AEGD program, can you please suggest a few important points which I should mention in my SOP for this particular program to strengthen my profile on PASS application.
Thank You
I'm not very familiar with AEGDs in general, I assume you will want to touch on your love and passion for general dentistry as a whole, since we are not talking about specialty training here, you will want to explain why you are after an AEGD program if you already have 3 yrs experience, try and come up with convincing answers, need to learn new and advanced things? etc.
De Todo Un Poco...Para Principiantes,
the 3-yr program probably fulfills the educational requirements, you still need to be a US citizen or a permanent resident, if not you may want to consider working in a shortage area for a temporary 3-yr license, I would like to direct you to the NY page on my blog published on 1/11/2009
Hey Dr. Kilani! I'm a foreign trained dentist, I got my BDS from Egypt (Ain Shams Univeristy) and am a US citizen interested in getting licensure in the states. My question is there anyway to get licensure besides going through a 2 yr international dental student program where i'd get my dds? is there anyway i can get licensure through doing a masters program? or even after maybe a phd? Thanks in advance!
hello dr kilani i have just completed my bds from india n now in florida what should i do even if i want to work as a dental assistant
I am a non US trained dentist. I have passed my NBDE's. If I get accepted onto a 3 year Advanced Perio Speciality Program, does that mean I will get licensure?,
Also, will it then be restricted to Perio?
do you know of any us dental colleges that accept FTDs in faculty positions?
Hello Dr Kilani,
It's Sabina again. I forgot to mention that the Perio program i am thinking of is in California. So, I wanted to know that if i do this Perio Program, can I then get licensure?..
and how? I able to take the WREB, or do I have to seek employment as Faculty only?..
I would be very grateful for your advice..I tried asking the Dental Board of California many times, and they are not being helpful at all!!
Some states do accept advanced specialty training programs in lieu of a DDS program for licensure, so the answer is yes, you have to contact the dental board of the state you are interested in to find out the exact details.
do you want to work as a dentist in Florida? check this page:
no I don't know any dental schools that hire FTDs as faculty, may be after they receive accredited education in the states.
it depends on the state you apply to become licensed in, some accept specialty training for licensure, and some don't.
Dr.kilani I'm a dentist from India(on a greencard) and i have passed my NDBE PART 1.I would like to know that to work as a dental assistant in NY am i supposed to take any course or radiology examination?
dr. kilani, I'm a licensed dentist in Colombia, I live in Florida, I'm working as a dental assistant in a private practice, I want to pursue at least a hygiene license, for now, because I think getting a dds or a dmd is very hard and I need a long time and of course lots of money for tuition. I'll appreciate any information you can give me about how to get my hygiene license and better myself and my career. By the way I'm a U.S. citizen. Thank you for your time. Lina
dr.kilani,i am an indian dentist interested in the orofacial pain programe..which is better the 1 yr fellowship or 2 year msd,career wise,which can help me get employment
Hi ,Dr Kilani ,I have a question ,Connecticut has the Federal Dental Health Professional Shortage Area or the 3 years limited license like New York state?
Hi, This is Heba from Egypt. I have a maste degree in oral medicine and periodontology. how can my master be eligable in USA? and I wanna apply for a PHD but there is no separete department of oral medicine so which department oral medicine fit in?
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