Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dental License in New York for Foreign Trained Dentists

As is the case in California, New York is one of the more progressive states in the union in more than one respect, and when it comes to dental regulations, it is no exception. In the following paragraphs I will try to summarize the requirements and regulations to obtain dental license in New York, I will go over the general information and also the specifics when it comes to foreign trained dentists. The general requirements include: good moral character, at least 21 years old, fulfill education requirements, examination requirements, and experience requirements, and finally you should be a US citizen or a permanent resident.

Education Requirements

For foreign trained dentists, the main education requirement is to complete not less than two academic years of study satisfactory to the department in a registered or accredited dental school program including such subjects as may be necessary for certification by such registered or accredited school that the candidate has achieved the level of knowledge and clinical proficiency expected of a graduate of the school. This program could culminate in a dental degree, diploma, or certificate.

Now if you have doubts or questions about a particular dental program and you want to know for sure if it is satisfactory, you should contact the NY Board of Dentistry directly at or 518-474-3817 ext 550

Other education requirements, specially if you did not graduate from a NY dental school, include training in the identification and reporting of child abuse, and infection control training.

Experience Requirements

Clinical license exams are no longer required or accepted for license in New York (since December 31, 2006). Instead, applicants should complete an approved clinically-based dental residency program of at least one year duration, most AEGD or GPR programs are considered acceptable for this requirement, as well as most dental specialty programs.

Examination Requirements

Passing NBDE parts I & II

3-Year Limited License

What if you are not a US citizen or a permanent resident? You still have an alternate route if you are willing to make some compromises. You can apply for and obtain a three-year limited license provided that you meet all other requirements, and you are willing to provide services in a Federal Dental Health Professional Shortage Area of New York State. You may also apply for an extension of six years if you are applying for or in the process of obtaining a permanent resident status.

Finally, I hope the information posted here was helpful, if you have more information about the NY license process please feel free to share it with other readers here, thanks!


NYS Dentistry License Requirements
Read more at:


azma said...

thanks for your blog. truly appreciate the information provided..

kilani said...

azma, thank you for your nice comments.

masked said...

hello Dr.Kilani,

As i'm browsing through these requirements, i am wondering if a 2year MS program is enough to get a license to practice or is it mandatory to have a DDS or DMD??

In all views and opinions you're doin a terrific job with this blog!.. appreciate your help!

kilani said...

masked, from the information provided by NY board, it seems a 2-yr MS program could be sufficient, but you really need to get in touch directly with the board to confirm that before you make any plans. Thanks for your nice comments about the blog.

Unknown said...

Hi Kilani

really like your blog, is the most helpful site i've seen for information on working in the USA

im a graduate from a London dental school, and am interested in working for the health professional shortage area in new york state, do I need any other qualifactions other than my BDS, who is best to contact regarding this and do you have any idea how much the salary is.

thanks again for the blog


kilani said...

Hi Magged,
I'm glad you found the site helpful, now regarding your question, the way I understood the NY requirements, even if you are willing to practice in the shortage areas you still need to meet the educational requirement (at least 2 years in an approved CODA program) and the GPR/AEGD requirement. You just do not need to be a US citizen or a permanent resident. As far as contact information, you may want to contact the NY board directly, check this page:

Unknown said...

Thank you for your blog.

I would like to know if 2 years postgraduate certificate program in any specialty i.e, not the AEGD or GPR will fulfill the two years education requirement of new york state. Or it has to be general dentistry to be able to justify the level of training being equivalent to DD/DMD?

Unknown said...

Thank you for your blogs

I would like to know if a three years certificate program in any specialty i.e, not the AEGD or GPR fulfills the minimum of two years postgraduate education requirement set by new york state. Or it has to be in general dentistry to be able to justify it being equivalent to the level of training attained in DDS/DMD?

sarah said...

Hi Dr. Kilani,
I am dentist practicing in Egypt. I if I would like to practice in NY how would i go about it? I have been told that I must apply to NY school prior to taking the NBDE, then 2yrs of schooling, 1yr of residency? Is that true, if not what is?

Thank you

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing such a informative article on foreign dentist training. We are an Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), PACE Approved state of the art training facility for foreign trained and licensed dentists who aspire to work and succeed in Canada / USA.